Thursday, 3 October 2013
In lesson as a group we discussed the potential news ideas we could do for our coursework. There were three main topic we were discussing were; Technology, Crime and Education.

Technology - Technology is becoming a vital part of the current generation as well as the future generation therefore by making a news channel about it, the channel is guaranteed to gain attention and recognition due to the fact that it is relevant and current. There is also a gap in the current market for a news channel about technology which provides us with a good opportunity to gain a following and a successful channel.

Crime - Crime is an important and highly talked about topic, therefore by having a news channel identifying crime that has taken place in a specific area it notifies locals of what goes on in their area. It also helps identify criminals as locals are able to give their input and provide the channel with useful information to help authority figures such as the police.

Education - By having a channel based on education it is appropriate as we are students ourselves therefore it provides the opportunity for ourselves as well as other students to voice their opinions of education as a whole but also their experiences with education. Teachers also give their insights into the development and changes taken place in education.

After discussing and analysing the advantages and disadvantages of all three topics we decided to put two together and create a news channel about technological crime. Our brand name is TRC News which stands for Tech Related Crime, and our main feature is investigating crimes that take place through the use of technology.


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