Wednesday, 20 November 2013
This blog is designed to show you the progression of the music i have produced for the past couple of weeks for our opening scene. It was essential that the music went well with the footage and made it clear that we were a news channel.

Initially i started off using Garage Band to create loops and a sequence of sounds provided by the library found in Garage Band. After putting several pieces together the music didn't seem complete therefore i decided to try and add different sounds to see whether there would be a difference but there wasn't and after that i felt that there wasn't much more i could so i thought id transfer the music i had so far into audacity and see whether i could change anything for the better.

I finished off the music by using a program called audacity. Audacity enables you to really get to grips with the music sample, i was able to cut and paste specific parts of the sample in order to move beats around to fit our opening scene. You can create more than one layer to the music which is also good as i found that on Garage Band when trying to do so the sounds would clash all too often.


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