Thursday, 12 December 2013
In order to ensure our news package fulfils our potential and is up to a very high standard, we are going to need the following things:

  • Crime tape for the second story to place around the house.
  • Computer, Keyboard and Mouse for both stories.
  • Microphone for both presenters of each stories.

  • High quality camera to ensure that the footage we film is to a high standard.
  • Tripod which helps keep the camera steady and gives a good finish to shots.
  • Microphone for both presenters in each story to ensure that what is being said can be heard clearly.

  • Each presenter preferable would wear black trousers/jeans, black shoes, white shirt and a black blazer/jacket.
  • Dark clothing for the interviewee to match the dark and dimmed background to hide their identity.


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