Thursday, 5 December 2013
I researched several types of Risk Assessment forms in order to gather an idea of what I needed to include when producing my own risk assessment form, and also find out what information is vital and needs to be placed/questioned on the form. I found some very useful examples and templates when searching for different types of risk assessment forms.

One example that I found very useful was from the website:

This risk assessment template was very helpful as it  shows a clear table of how the risk assessment form should be set up, and the important pieces of information than needed to be included and by looking at this it enabled me to create a my own template for our risk assessment form. Here is what my form looks like:

Our risk assessment contains several columns which identify hazards, identifying the people that may be effected by the hazard, ways in which we can ensure that these hazards are prevented and how significant of a risk the following factors are and which will help us to take extra care when filming our footage.

When research different types of risk assessment forms I came across something very interesting called a risk assessment checklist which helps to ensure that our risk assessment form actually does its job, and identifies all of the possible hazards/problems we may encounter. The checklist gives a list of information that our risk assessment form must contain in order to cover all areas necessary. I found this checklist when browsing through the risk assessment forms and information of the Westminster website. 


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