Thursday, 12 December 2013
TRC News Intro - 15 seconds

Presenter outlines and gives information about cyber bullying - David outside of school with children walking into school in the background. Finishing with some establishing shots of the school.

Facebook conversation of cyber bullying taking place with voice over-  Visual Facebook conversation with a live cyber bullying conversation taking place.

Statistics about cyber bullying-  Picture freezes and then shows several facts about cyber bullying.

Interview with victim of cyber bullying- Questions about their experiences and feelings when they were being bullied through the internet.

Live scene presenter briefly talking about the hacking incident which took place- introduces the hacking story, talks briefly about it outside the scene of the crime.

Footage of Akshays room with the hackers work area- Quick short shots of the areas the work spaces the hacker used.

Finish with presenter talking about punishments and wraps up the new story.


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